The inspiration for the different patterns of the bags comes from my fascination for handicrafts, which one encounters again and again in Latin American culture.
All over the continent you can find different weaving techniques and embroideries, which are used for textile production.
The Wayuu, as the natives of Guajira, a northern peninsula in Colombia, are called, created fascinating weaving patterns with strong and controversial colours. Today the Wayuus are mainly known for their handmade bags. With geometric patterns they embody the elements of nature; animals, plants and stars. Weaving is a communication of the creativity, intelligence and wisdom that you feel about life - it is a sign of woman's agility.
The Mapuche are natives of southern Chile and southwestern Argentina, their best arts are their textiles. The tradition of textile production dates back to pre-Hispanic times and continues today. The textiles they use as clothes, aids or protection for their home, it is also a status symbol. In addition, they used their textiles as an important added value and good trading business.
The Huicholes are a tribe from different regions of Mexico. The craftsmanship reflects the traditions, the art and the latest innovations of their culture. They are inspired by psychedelic journeys with peyote cacti, which are often found in this area. During the healing ceremonies for one's own enlightenment, handicrafts are made to express one's own experiences and environment.